To support the evaluation of the strategic screen, the following tool is available. ​

Ware Yam Farm Level Calculator

The purpose of this calculator is to evaluate the economic value proposition to a farmer of adopting quality seed of improved varieties changes based on different assumptions for yields, planting rates, cost of production, and commodity sales price.

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Assessing the Farmer Value for Improved Seed Yam Varieties​

Improved varieties do not get adopted unless they deliver value for farmers. Therefore, understanding the financial benefits of improved varieties to the farmers is a critical marketing activity for your business.​

The Ware Yam Farm Level Calculator is provided to support your team’s ability to evaluate the value proposition to a farmer from adopting quality seed of improved varieties based on different assumptions for seed purchase and planting decisions, yields, planting rates, cost of production, and commodity sales price.​

The calculator enables entrepreneurs to evaluate numerous scenarios by adjusting assumptions. ​

No two farms are the same.

For example, the calculator is set to evaluate the impact to a hypothetical farmer who substitutes the 40% of area planted with informal seed with quality seed of improved varieties.​

Based on these seed purchase and planting decisions, yields, planting rates, cost of production, and commodity sales price assumptions, this hypothetical farmer would see a 27% increase in gross income. This is driven by the higher yield and marketable ware yam expectations, which would more than justify the higher out-of-pocket seeding cost (+50%).

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Strategic Screen Complete:
Start Business Model Screen

Congratulations on completing the strategic screen. This section covered how you can evaluate the characteristics of yam that are most important to targeted customer segments and how to quantify the economic value proposition for farmers to adopt quality seed yam of improved varieties.

The business model screen is next.